As a parent cooperative school, Medaka no Gakko relies exclusively on its parent volunteers to support the school programs and curriculum. One parent from each family must attend a mandatory orientation meeting and assist in four areas: classroom, committee, maintenance, and support of the Palo Alto Obon Festival. Your efforts are essential to the success of the program and are sincerely appreciated!
Parents' Orientation Meeting
Scheduled for Monday, May 19 at 7:00 p.m., in person, at the Palo Alto Buddhist Temple. This meeting is mandatory for new and returning families and should be attended by the parent who will fulfill your family commitments. At the meeting, you will confirm your parent co-op duties, receive the school handbook, meet with your child’s teacher, and have initial committee meetings.

Classroom Duties
Parents assist in the classroom for at least one day. Parents may be required to work additional days, up to 2 work days. Please be on time (8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.) and no siblings! Parents are preferred in the classroom; but if there is another capable adult in the parent’s place, please contact the Parent Participation Coordinator.

One parent from each family must serve on one of the committees below.
Arts & Crafts Prep – Prepare materials for classroom projects before the summer session. Projects will be distributed at the orientation meeting in May and must be completed by the first day of session. Projects are detailed in nature and may include sewing, woodworking or other intricate craft work.
Community Development – Responsible for planning, organizing and running fundraising events deemed necessary by the Medaka Board. This position is supported by parent volunteers fulfilling their commitments.
Newsletter – Attend Medaka events. Write and organize 4 newsletter issues highlighting Medaka no Gakko activities with photographs as well as disseminate important information. Take candid photos and special events photos (special events include: undokai, seniors luncheon, special guest artists, demonstrations and taiko demonstrations). Photos are to be used for newsletters, end of year slide show and the Medaka no Gakko website. Put together the end of year slide show (with music) and show the completed project at the open house.
Senior Luncheon – Help prepare for and host the annual luncheon for the Medaka community seniors. The sheduled date is Wednesday, July 2, with food preparation happening the night before. Committee members must work shifts on both the night before and day of the luncheon, as well as assist in one additional area: donation solicitation, decorations, or shopping.
End of Session Open House – Assist with planning and pulling together the finale to the summer session to be held Friday evening, July 11. Involves order processing, purchasing obento dinners, Friday morning set-up, serving during the event and clean-up. Committee members must be available the day of the Medaka Open House.
Special Events – Undokai (Japanese sports day) on Friday, June 27 – Coordinate and facilitate events with classroom parent helpers. Mochitsuki on Tuesday, July 1 – Organize and oversee the mochitsuki demonstration. Includes recruitment of volunteers and set up the morning of the event.
Participate in both maintenance days, to open and close the school. This involves cleaning classrooms and other facilities, moving tables and chairs, and setting up or taking down the office.
Maintenance I: Opening — Saturday, June 21, 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Maintenance II: Closing — Saturday, July 12, 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Obon Festival
Medaka families must work at the Obon Festival to be held on the weekend of August 2-3. Families will work one shift (~3 hours) in support of the festival and to show the Buddhist Temple appreciation for use of their facilities.